Team Ashworth offers 3 coaching packages to suit your needs as an athlete:

Standard Coaching Package

Team Ashworth’s Standard Coaching offers athletes a personalized programme, based on availability to train and level of fitness fitness. Athletes are required to perform regular time trials, which are indicated in the programme at specific times in the training cycle, to establish individual heart rate and pace threshold values. These values are used to calculate the each training session in the up-coming training cycle. Regular time trials ensure that the performance and training that the athlete is engaging in is at the correct intensity for improvement.

Premium Coaching Package

Team Ashworth’s Premium Coaching Package adds to the standard offering by including runner-specific strength training. Supplementing running with strength work is invaluable when it comes to preventing injuries and ensuring that any deficient strength or biomechanics instability is addressed before niggles and injuries develop.

Ladies, you may want to take your training to the Next-Level. This coaching package adds a unique and more personal dimension to training. Work with your hormones and not against them! In the words of Dr Stacy Sims, “Women are not small men”. Women cannot simply follow a programme that is designed for their male counterparts. Recent studies have brought about changed in the way that we previously approached and designed training programmes for female athletes. Not only are female athletes different from men, but they also differ depending on which stage of menopause they are experiencing (pre-, peri-, or post-menopause). Male and female nutritional needs are another aspect that difference, especially for athletes.

Multi-Sport Package

Focusing on triathlon events from sprint to full Iron Man.
Managing three disciplines and ensuring a work-family-life balance can become a challenge. For may triathletes, amateur to elite, the challenge lies in how to maximise the training outcome while mitigating time wasted.

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